Ukraine, Kiev,
Art. Arsenalnaya metro station, ul. Lewandovskaya, 3a

Consulting Center
+38 (099) 178 29 99

Individual supervision

About service

Psychoanalytical supervision lies in discussing of clinical material, given to supervisor orally or written by psychoanalyst, psychoanalytically oriented therapist or psychologist.

A specialist who had a special training or has some relevant experience that recognized by one or another professional community can be a supervisor.

Supervision can be individual (supervising psychoanalyst – supervisant and supervisor) and group (a few supervisants and supervisor). There is a special form of group supervision – intervision, when a few colleagues who have supervising experience are being supervised without a lead. 

Psychodynamic model considers supervision as a therapeutic process. Focus of supervision is directed to inner- and interpersonal dynamics of psychotherapist in his relations with client, colleagues, supervisor and another significant persons.
The main goal of supervisor working in psychodynamic model is not to train skills but to increase an ability of psychotherapist to listening by means of improving of his dynamic awareness. Changes in inner and interpersonal dynamics of a supervised allow it (dynamics) to become an effective instrument of therapeutic process.

One of the basic points in supervisor’s work is a professional competence. Certified supervisor - psychoanalyst who performed demands of psychoanalytic training to this professional status. Asking for supervising support don’t forget to specify if one or another specialist has completed standards of psychoanalytic training for carrying out of supervision of colleagues practice. 

Supervisant (specialist reporting a case) has a possibility:

  • To follow his countertransference (inner respond to all that happens during psychotherapy), to get a feedback from supervisor.
  • To analyze a dynamics of the process through a prism of analysant’s history.
  • To look at the process in terms of actual events in analytical space.

Supervision’s process for psychoanalyst includes:

  • Educative function – the depth of sight comes only with experience.
  • Supportive function – the profession of psychoanalyst is connected to processing of  a large number of feelings and affects and it’s very important to separate yourself from another person in a cabinet in time.
  • Guiding function – with supervisor’s help watching I of psychoanalyst intensifies.

In our consulting center an individual supervisions are held by:
Savchenko Elena Vladymirovna -  President of Ukrainian Psychoanalytic Union (UPU), Certified supervisor of European Confederation of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapies (ECPP), Ukrainian Association of Psychoanalysis (UAP) and Ukrainian Confederation of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapies (UCPP) (hours of supervisions are considered by specialists at certification in the above mentioned organizations).